Ankle, Conditions, Foot, Sports Injury

Achilles Tendinopathy

Integrated therapies for managing Achilles tendinopathy involve targeting the comprehensive nature of the condition to restore function, alleviate pain, and prevent future episodes. These therapies include INDIBA® Activ to improve oxygen and nutrient uptake, Shockwave Therapy to break down scar tissues, MAGNETOLITH® to stimulate cellular regeneration, manual therapy, and prescribed exercises to enhance the foot’s arch stability to offload undo stress.

Management of Achilles Tendinopathies

Achilles tendinopathy is characterized by pain and stiffness in the Achilles tendon. It benefits from diverse conservative treatments focusing on relieving tendon stress, promoting healing. 

At HelloPhysio, we adopt a comprehensive approach to Achilles tendinopathy. Our experienced multidisciplinary team assesses every contributing factor, from lifestyle and exercise routines to individual healing responses. We offer specialized manual therapy, supportive adjunct therapies and tailored Achilles tendinopathy exercises to alleviate symptoms and enhance tendon function effectively.

Integrated therapies offer a comprehensive approach to managing Achilles tendinopathy. This combined strategy targets multiple aspects of the condition to restore function, alleviate pain, and prevent future episodes. Our evidence-based approach utilizes various techniques to improve mobility and strengthen the muscles around your Achilles tendon.  By strengthening these muscles, we can decrease stress on the tendon and promote healing at the cellular level, triggering your body’s natural healing response.

INDIBA® Activ enhances local blood circulation around the Achilles tendon, ensuring the affected area receives ample oxygen and nutrients. This is vital for reducing inflammation and promoting tissue repair, directly addressing the microtears and degenerative changes contributing to tendinopathy.

Focused acoustic Shockwave Therapy is used on the affected tendon, breaking down scar tissue and stimulating the body’s natural healing processes. This helps alleviate pain and improves tendon elasticity, facilitating a return to normal function.

Extracorporeal Magnetotransduction Therapy (EMTT) with MAGNETOLITH® stimulates cellular regeneration and repair processes within the Achilles tendon. This therapy aids in healing damaged tendon fibers, encouraging the restoration of healthy tendon tissue and improving overall tendon resilience.

Manual therapy addresses any muscular and connective tissue dysfunctions that may place additional strain on the Achilles tendon. Prescribed Achilles tendinopathy exercises focus on strengthening the calf muscles and improving the flexibility of the Achilles tendon to support the tendon, enhance the foot’s arch stability, and offload undue stress. By correcting these imbalances, this therapy helps relieve pressure on the tendon, supporting recovery and reducing the likelihood of recurrence.

HelloPhysio actively tackles Achilles tendinopathy with a personalized, multidisciplinary approach, tailoring a custom recovery plan to each patient’s needs. This strategy maximizes the chances for a swift return to an active life without pain.

Exploring the Mechanism of Achilles Tendinopathies

Achilles tendinopathy is characterized by pain, swelling, and impaired function of the Achilles tendon, the thick band of tissue connecting the calf muscles to the heel bone. This condition significantly affects a person’s movement patterns, particularly walking, running and jumping. Often mistaken for tendonitis, tendinopathy is a degeneration of the collagen protein that forms the tendon, while tendonitis is the inflammation of the tendon.

Understanding the physiology behind Achilles tendinopathy helps address the underlying mechanisms for effective physiotherapy interventions. 

One key physiological impact of Achilles tendinopathy is pain. People often subconsciously alter their gait, or walking pattern, to minimize discomfort. While this is a good solution in the short term, these compensatory movements can become problematic.

Beyond pain, there’s a domino effect on overall movement. Swelling and stiffness associated with Achilles tendinopathy can also contribute to pain and reduce the range of motion in the ankle, particularly limiting ankle dorsiflexion (the action of pulling the foot toward the shin). A restricted range of motion in the ankle affects the foot’s ability to properly absorb impact during walking or running, altering the natural biomechanics of these activities.

Weakness and impaired coordination will become a vicious cycle. Prolonged inactivity or reduced activity due to pain can lead to calf muscle weakness and atrophy. Weak calf muscles provide less support for the Achilles tendon during physical activities, further compromising function and increasing the risk of injury recurrence.

Achilles tendinopathy also disrupts the body’s natural equilibrium and proprioception, which is the body’s sense of position and movement. Impaired proprioception affects balance and agility, making it challenging to perform complex movements without an increased risk of falling or sustaining additional injuries.

By understanding these cascading effects, physiotherapists can design interventions that address the underlying cause of Achilles tendinopathy and the potential for secondary problems. This comprehensive approach helps patients achieve a faster and more complete recovery.

Connect with Physiotherapists for Achilles Tendinopathy Rehabilitation

At HelloPhysio, our experienced clinical health professionals are dedicated to guiding you through your rehabilitation from Achilles tendinopathy. Our team of senior physiotherapists, highly skilled in addressing musculoskeletal dysfunctions, orthopedic disorders, acute conditions and sports-related injuries, is committed to your journey toward recovery.

To learn more about our holistic approach to treating Achilles tendinopathy, please reach out to our clinics. Contact us to arrange a consultation and begin your path to recovery with our supportive team.


101 Irrawaddy Road

Royal Square #10-12

Singapore 329565

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Contact Information

Phone/WhatsApp: +65 8787 3198



Novena Clinic Hours

Monday to Friday: 7:30am — 8:00pm

Saturday: 7:30am — 12:30pm

Sunday: Closed


328 North Bridge Road

#02-36 Raffles Hotel Arcade

Singapore 188719

Directions to our Raffles →


Contact Information

Phone: +65 8686 0959



Raffles Clinic Hours

Monday to Friday: 8:00am — 5:00pm

Saturday: 8:00am — 4:00pm

Sunday: 9:00am — 4:00pm
