Ankle, Conditions, Sports Injury

Shin Splints

At HelloPhysio, we believe in a comprehensive approach to managing shin splints. The cause of shin splints arises from a combination of factors, including overuse, mechanical overload and biomechanical imbalances. These factors contribute to inflammation, muscle and tissue microtears and, ultimately, pain. Our integrated shin splint treatment combines INDIBA® Active, Shockwave Therapy and prescriptive exercises to target each aspect to promote recovery and healing and to prevent future occurrences.

Treatment for Shin Splints (Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome)

Shin splints, medically known as medial tibial stress syndrome, cause pain along the inner edge of the shinbone (tibia) due to repetitive stress and overuse. Conservative shin splint treatments with physiotherapy play an important role in rehabilitation, actively focusing on reducing inflammation, managing pain and correcting biomechanical imbalances contributing to the syndrome.

From a physiotherapist’s perspective, treating the condition involves not only addressing the immediate pain and inflammation but also correcting the underlying causes of shin splints, such as biomechanical and muscular imbalances. Rehabilitation may include exercises to strengthen the lower leg muscles, improve flexibility, enhance proprioception, and adjust gait mechanics. 

At HelloPhysio, we take a comprehensive, patient-centered approach to treating shin splints. Our experienced multidisciplinary team performs a detailed assessment to identify factors contributing to your condition, such as exercise habits, lifestyle and individual biomechanical patterns. Together, we develop a tailored treatment plan to restore mobility, alleviate pain, and strengthen the supporting muscles around the shin. This holistic strategy addresses both immediate discomfort and long-term prevention of recurrence.

The initial phase of shin splint treatment often involves minimizing stress and strain on the tibia. This may involve modifying activities to reduce impact forces and using foot orthoses or appropriate footwear to enhance alignment and pressure distribution.

As shin splint recovery progresses, our treatment incorporates advanced modalities like INDIBA® Therapy, which enhances blood circulation in the shin region, improving the delivery of essential nutrients and oxygen, accelerating tissue repair and reducing inflammation. By gently heating the affected area, INDIBA® stimulates the body’s natural healing mechanisms more efficiently.

We also use Shockwave Therapy, a method that uses acoustic waves to directly target muscle and surrounding soft tissues, breaking down scar tissue that hinders healing and promotes healthy tissue regeneration. Especially effective for chronic injuries, Shockwave Therapy kick-starts the production of new blood vessels and cell growth, enhancing tissue repair.
Manual therapy and targeted exercises are fundamental to a full recovery from shin splints. These techniques address flexibility, muscle strength, and any biomechanical imbalances contributing to your shin splints. Together with INDIBA® Therapy and Shockwave Therapy, our comprehensive treatments that improve the function of your lower leg, we can effectively reduce pain, enhance mobility and decrease your risk of future injury.

Your physiotherapist may also recommend changes in activity levels, footwear adjustments, and strategies for better shock absorption during activities. Through a comprehensive approach, physiotherapy aims to alleviate the symptoms of shin splints and prevent their recurrence, enabling individuals to return to their preferred activities without discomfort.

Why Shin Splints Happen

Shin splints often arise from excessive stress on the shinbone and the connective tissues that attach muscles to the bone, a combination of overuse, mechanical overload, and biomechanical imbalances, leading to inflammation, micro-tears, and pain along the inner edge of the tibia.

Repetitive activities such as running or jumping increase the force exerted on the tibia and surrounding tissues. When the frequency or intensity of these activities exceeds the tissue’s capacity to recover, it leads to inflammation and strain. Abnormalities in foot structure, such as flat feet or overpronation, can alter lower limb alignment and gait. This malalignment increases the stress on the shinbone and adjacent soft tissues.

Muscular imbalance and weakness in the lower leg muscles, particularly the calf muscles, can fail to absorb and distribute forces during movement adequately. This deficiency places additional strain on the tibia. Poor footwear or running on hard surfaces without sufficient shock absorption also contributes to the increased force transmitted to the shinbone.

The impact on movement patterns alters walking and running gait to avoid pain, leading to compensatory movement patterns. These adaptations can stress other lower limb parts, potentially causing additional injuries. 
The cause of shin splint pain and stiffness also limits ankle flexing, affecting the foot’s ability to roll through a step from heel to toe. This restriction can further disrupt normal walking or running mechanics. The discomfort associated with shin splints may lead individuals to avoid certain activities, reducing overall physical activity levels. This avoidance can result in muscle weakness and atrophy, exacerbating the risk of future injuries.

Connect with Our Physiotherapists

HelloPhysio’s seasoned clinical health professionals are dedicated to guiding you through your rehabilitation from shin splints. Our senior physiotherapists and rehabilitation team are highly skilled in treating musculoskeletal dysfunctions, orthopedic disorders, acute conditions and sports injuries.

To learn more about our comprehensive approach to shin splint treatment, contact or call our clinics to discuss or schedule a consultation with our team.


101 Irrawaddy Road

Royal Square #10-12

Singapore 329565

Directions to Novena →


Contact Information

Phone/WhatsApp: +65 8787 3198



Novena Clinic Hours

Monday to Friday: 7:30am — 8:00pm

Saturday: 7:30am — 12:30pm

Sunday: Closed


328 North Bridge Road

#02-36 Raffles Hotel Arcade

Singapore 188719

Directions to our Raffles →


Contact Information

Phone: +65 8686 0959



Raffles Clinic Hours

Monday to Friday: 8:00am — 5:00pm

Saturday: 8:00am — 4:00pm

Sunday: 9:00am — 4:00pm
